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海湾战争后,科威特政府与美、英、法分别签订双边防务协定后,一直谋求与中国签订双边军事合作协定,其主要背景是: 一、海湾战争后,科威特的既定国策是谋求所有大国对科的“安全保证”。战后,科政府从两个方面全力实施确保国家安全的战略:制定军队现代化的庞大计划,每年耗资十亿美元采购军火,以加强自身的防卫和反击能力。同时积极参加海湾合作委员会的“半岛盾牌”共同防务安排,不遗余力地推动由海湾6国出钱、埃及和叙利亚出军队的《大马士革宣言》的落实等;1991年10月、1992年2月和8月,科以巨额军火采购为筹码,分别与美、英、法签署了为期10年的双边防务协定。此后,科一直谋求与俄罗斯和中国签订类似的协定。1993年8月,科与俄罗斯签订了有限的双边防务协定。至此,科已与联合国安理会4个常任理事国签订了共同防务协定。鉴于科威特人力有限以及海湾6国在联合部队指挥权、驻地、军费分担、战略考虑等方面存在严重分歧,科政府越来越将国家安全战略的重点放在谋求“大国一致”的国际担保上。 二、1994年10月,伊拉克再次调军南下使科威特政府谋求与中国签订军事合作协定的愿望更加迫切。去年“10月危机”后,科威特政府强调,不管伊拉克是否承认科威特主权及联合国划定的新科、伊边界,只要伊拉克现政权不? After the Gulf War, the Kuwaiti government and the United States, Britain and France respectively signed bilateral defense agreements and has been seeking the conclusion of bilateral military cooperation agreements with China. Its main background is as follows: First, after the Gulf War, Kuwait’s established national policy is to seek all power from the major powers The “security guarantee.” After the war, the government of Koji fully implemented the strategy of ensuring national security in two aspects: making a huge plan for the modernization of the armed forces, and spending billions of dollars each year purchasing arms to strengthen its own defensive and counterattack capabilities. At the same time, they actively participated in the “Peninsula Shield” joint defense arrangement of the Gulf Cooperation Council and spare no effort to promote the implementation of the “Damascus Declaration” issued by the six Gulf countries and Egypt and Syria out of the army. In October 1991, February 1992 and August 8 In December, the two sides signed a 10-year bilateral defense agreement with the United States, Britain and France with a large amount of arms purchases. Since then, the section has been seeking a similar agreement with Russia and China. In August 1993, Section signed a limited bilateral defense agreement with Russia. So far, Section has signed a common defense agreement with the four permanent members of the UN Security Council. In view of the limited manpower in Kuwait and the serious disagreements among the six Gulf countries over their command of the joint force, their share of military expenditures, strategic considerations and so forth, the government increasingly places the national security strategy on the international guarantee of seeking “the unification of major powers.” 2. In October 1994, Iraq’s redeployment to the south again made the Kuwaiti government’s desire to seek a military cooperation agreement with China even more urgent. After the “October crisis” last year, the Kuwaiti government emphasized that regardless of whether Iraq recognizes Kuwait’s sovereignty and the new section of the United Nations and Iran as delineated by the United Nations, so long as the current regime in Iraq does not?
溃疡性结肠炎(Ulecrative ColitiS,uc)又称慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎,其病因尚未明确,临床以腹泻、粘液血便、腹痛、里急后重等为主要症状,以侵犯大肠(直肠与结肠)黏膜与黏膜下层为主