
来源 :华东科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:evavincent
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本刊由《华东科技管理》改名为《华东科技》已时经一年。刊物改名,内容有所拓展。但为推动科技经济紧密结合,促进经济、科技、社会协调发展的办刊宗旨不变。现在我们诚致广大读者,交流情况,是为了加强编读两者的沟通,共同努力把《华东科技》办得更好。 十年多来,本刊在华东七省市科委关怀指导下,重点报道了华东地区“科教兴国”科技工作的新举措;科研院所、高等院校面向经济建设和企业依靠科技创新开拓市场的新路子。从而展示了改革开放的活力,华东地区科技事业显著的成就。同时也积极介绍了国内外先进的科学管理经验和科技产业化的做法。并在科技与金融、经济、法制和人才等方面的结合上展开了讨论。刊物改名后,针对当代科技走势,特别 The magazine from “East China Science and Technology Management” renamed “East China Science and Technology” has been for a year. Publication renamed, the content has been expanded. However, the objective of running the newspaper for promoting the close integration of science and technology and economy and promoting the coordinated development of economy, science and technology as well as society remains unchanged. We hereby sincerely invite all readers and exchange of information to strengthen the compilation of the two and to make joint efforts to improve the “Huadong Science and Technology”. Over the past decade or so, with the care and guidance of the science and technology commissions of seven provinces and cities in East China, the magazine has focused on new measures for science and technology work in developing and rejuvenating the country through science and education in East China. Scientific research institutes and institutions of higher learning have been oriented to economic construction and enterprises relying on scientific and technological innovations to develop new markets New way. Thus demonstrating the vitality of the reform and opening up and the remarkable achievements of science and technology in East China. At the same time, we also actively introduced the advanced scientific management experience and the industrialization of science and technology at home and abroad. And discussed the combination of technology and finance, economy, legal system and human resources. After the publication was renamed, in response to the trend of contemporary science and technology, especially
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