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对原《民办教育促进法》的修改和系列相关政策文件的集中出台,将有效破解一些长期制约民办教育发展的瓶颈问题。当前和今后一个时期,省级人民政府及其相关部门须着力推进以下工作:修订地方性法规、出台相应配套制度,包括出台符合地方实际的《关于鼓励社会力量兴办教育促进民办教育健康发展的若干意见》实施意见及配套措施、研究制定非营利性民办学校收费管理办法和变更登记类型的具体办法;落实各项激励政策、助力民办教育发展,包括进一步完善民办学校财政资助政策、明确并细化两类学校的税收政策、拓宽社会力量办学准入领域及融资渠道和放开民办学校收费管制;切实转变政府职能、创新民办教育管理,包括推行民办教育清单管理制度、保障民办学校依法自主办学和规范各级各类民办学校的办学行为。 The revision of the original “Private Education Promotion Law” and the series introduction of relevant policy documents will effectively solve some of the bottlenecks that have hindered the development of private education for a long time. At present and for a period in the future, the provincial people’s government and relevant departments shall make efforts to promote the following tasks: revising local laws and regulations and issuing corresponding supporting systems, including the promulgation of a number of “measures to encourage social forces to promote education and promote the healthy development of private education in line with local conditions” Opinions "implementation measures and supporting measures to study and formulate a non-profit private school fee management approach and change the registration type of specific measures; implementation of various incentive policies to help private education, including further improve the private school financial assistance policy, clear and detailed Tax policies of both schools to broaden social access to running schools and financing channels and to liberalize charging control of private schools; to effectively change the functions of government and innovate private education management, including the implementation of the system of management of private education lists to ensure that private schools run their own schools according to law and Standardize all types of private schools running behavior.
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欲望之城,轻度奢华。撒上一点略带反光色彩的怀旧主义科技感,勾勒出极利落又一派写意的身体线条。怀旧的方式附着在这时装的表面,再以沉默的方式诱惑了双眼。 Desire City,