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知识论为研究知识之理的学问,其重点研究的是知识的性质、起源与限度等问题;而中国传统思想的理论指归不在“知识探究”而在“内圣外王”之道,使得偏重于逻辑意识、名理探析的名家以及后期墨学反而成为绝响。知识论注重语言说理论证,而中国传统学问在论述方式上则“重行轻知”、“得意忘言”。就思维方式上讲,中国传统思想更注重内向型直觉思维,这与探究知识的主客体分立的认知型思维是不同的。正是由于以上三种原因,导致中国知识论无从建立,也从未形成传统。至于有学者认为不应当用西方哲学术语匡范中国哲学研究,此观点可谓美善兼具,但不可行。因为,目前哲学领域之所用术语、理论、问题方法多是在中西对比语境下提出的,抛开西方哲学,纯粹中国哲学之研究暂无可能。 The theory of knowledge is the study of the reason of knowledge, and its focus is on the nature, origin and limit of knowledge. The theory of Chinese traditional thought does not mean “knowledge inquiry” , So that emphasis on the logical sense of the well-known experts and the later calligraphy but become extinct. While epistemology pays great attention to argumentation of language theory, the traditional Chinese scholarship is based on the exposition of “reworking lightly” and “experiencing forgetfulness.” As far as the way of thinking is concerned, the traditional Chinese thinking places more emphasis on inward-looking intuition, which is different from the cognitive thinking that separates the subject from the object of inquiry into knowledge. It is precisely because of the above three reasons, leading to the establishment of Chinese epistemology, but also never formed a tradition. As for some scholars think that Western philosophical terminology should not be used to study Chinese philosophy, this view can be described as both good and bad, but not feasible. This is because the terms, theories, and methods used in the current philosophical field are mostly proposed in the context of contrast between China and the West. It is impossible to abandon the study of Western philosophy and pure Chinese philosophy.
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教学过程是在教师的指导下,学生通过学习,认识客观世界的动态过程。怎样去调控这一过程,使之得到优化?笔者认为,主要是通过教师和学生之间的信 The teaching process is und
各州、市人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局,各大专院校,科研院所: 《云南省关于贯彻国家科教领导小组第十次会议精神的意见》已经省人民政府 Provinces and m