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意境顾名思义是意与境、主观与客观相结合、情景交融、虚实相生的艺术境界,是美学研究的基本范畴。在古今中外的绘画作品中,既注重客观物象的集中反映和再现,又是画家情感的化身和抒发,通过二者的相互交融把观者带入到想象的境地。意境既是画家以生活为审美对象的创造物,又是观者以作品为审美对象的创造物,是艺术家与接受者共同进行审美创作的产物。然而一幅作品的意境是由观者对作品的审美感受所决定的。以意大利文艺复兴时期的伟大的绘画家、雕塑家和建筑师米开朗基罗所创作的《最后的审判》为例,主要从作品的创作背景、构图造型、审美意境方面的绘画角度来诠释意境的审美特征。 Artistic conception as the meaning of meaning is the meaning of context, the combination of subjective and objective, scene blending, the reality of the actual situation, is the basic category of aesthetics research. In both ancient and modern Chinese and foreign paintings, he not only pays attention to the reflection and reproduction of the objective objects in a concentrated manner, but also the embodiment and expression of the artist’s emotions. Through the mutual blending of the two, the viewer is brought into the imagination. Artistic conception is not only the creator of the artist’s life as the aesthetic object, but also the creator of the spectator’s work as the aesthetic object and the product of the aesthetic creation jointly by the artist and the recipient. However, the mood of a piece of work is determined by the viewer’s aesthetic experience of the piece. Taking the “Last Judgment” by the great Renaissance painter, sculptor and architect Michelangelo as an example, this article mainly expounds the artistic conception from the creative perspective, the composition style and the artistic conception of painting Aesthetic characteristics.
本研究以552名师专生为研究对象,主要采用问卷调查法,探讨了当前师专生自信心发展与书法兴趣水平的相关性。本研究采用美国Shrauger(1990)编制的个人评价问卷(Personal Evalu
周朝建是重庆能源集团东林煤矿采煤112队班长。由于他对井下现场安全质量和违章人员处理上铁面无私、六亲不认,员工们都叫他“铁腕班长”。 Zhou Chajian is Donglin Coal M
建党86年来,中国共产党的全国代表大会制度与时俱进、日臻完善。在十七大的选举、组织和对外公布等方面,新气象异彩纷呈 Since its establishment 86 years ago, the system