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通过铸坯取样分析研究了板坯结晶器内拉速和电磁制动与小气泡分布之间的关系,探讨了拉速以及电磁制动对IF钢铸坯皮下气泡大小、数量和分布的影响规律.实验结果表明:铸坯皮下气泡直径小于0.1 mm的气泡占总数的57%,0.1~0.5 mm之间的占42.5%,大于0.5 mm占0.5%,并且随着皮下距离的增加,被捕捉的气泡尺寸越来越小,而气泡数量边部比1/4处要多50%左右,1/4位置最少;拉速提高会导致气泡尺寸变小,在1/4及边部,气泡聚集位置由皮下9 mm变为12 mm附近,但是低拉速和高拉速均在皮下3 mm位置处有气泡聚集;电磁制动下,铸坯中心处气泡尺寸变大,1/4及边部位置气泡尺寸变小,且会使气泡数量总体降低,主要表现在聚集位置处的气泡数量明显减少. The relationship between casting speed and electromagnetic brake and the distribution of small bubbles in slab mold was studied by slab sampling analysis. The effects of drawing speed and electromagnetic brake on the size, amount and distribution of air bubbles in IF steel slab were discussed. The experimental results show that the bubbles with the diameter of less than 0.1 mm in the skin of the cast slab account for 57% of the total number of bubbles, 42.5% of which are between 0.1 and 0.5 mm and 0.5% of which are larger than 0.5 mm, and are captured as the subcutaneous distance increases The bubble size is getting smaller and smaller, while the number of bubbles is about 50% more than the 1/4, and the least one-fourth is the least. The pulling speed is increased and the bubble size becomes smaller. At the 1/4 and the edge, From 9 mm in the subcutaneous to 12 mm in the vicinity, but the bubble velocity was high at the position of 3 mm below the subcutaneous and the air bubbles were aggregated at the position of 3 mm under the skin. Under the electromagnetic braking, the bubble size became larger at the center of the slab, The size of the bubble becomes smaller, and the overall number of bubbles will decrease, which is mainly manifested in the obvious decrease in the number of bubbles at the aggregation location.
悼祭文学借用典故状写痛失知音 ,惋惜英才不遇 ,赞赏亡友为其不平 ,抒写自己凄苦心绪。悼祭主题发展到唐代 ,众多诗人向早有定评的成功者认同 ,充分利用主题先在视界。使事用
这大概是我最后一次在情愿的状态下写关于高中关于高考那寡淡如水说有故事其实没故事,说没故事心情又波涛汹涌的时光。  同学说电视剧里演一个丑女变成美女的过程就是从摘掉眼镜开始的。真糟糕,我的高中是从带上眼镜开始。每一所高中都不缺像我这样的人,没有漂亮的面孔,没有张扬的性格,甚至没有太多的笑容,不聪明但很努力,每天起得很早,沉默的融入蓝白校服中,开始一天的征程。  在我看来高中无非就两种人:比我学习好的
本文总结15例钩虫病贫血,报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料性别:男5例,女10例。年龄:13岁~42岁,平均36.8岁。职业:农民13例,学生2例。病程:6月~1.5年。既往史:3例有过“钩蚴
掌声响起 ,帷幕落下。美丽的凯瑟琳匆匆地谢幕 ,又匆匆地离开。这是一九八九年的五月 ,北京的天空无风无雨 ,燥热不安。“演出还行吧?”贺连问着 ,点燃了一支“阿诗玛”(我竟然