第五讲 果树栽培 第一节 苹果

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一、适合我省生长的苹果品种全世界的苹果品种有六千多种。我国栽培的有十几种,适合于我省栽培的有七、八种。按成熟先后顺序介绍如下: 1、甜黄魁六月下旬成熟,果小,果皮黄绿色披暗红色条纹,汁多,昧甜、不耐贮藏。 2、伏红六月下旬成熟,果长圆形,底色黄绿,有红霞或条纹,肉松软,汁多、味甜酸,可贮两周。还有七月上、中旬成熟的辽伏、伏锦、早金冠等。由于早熟品种都不耐藏,因此除城市、工 First, the varieties of apples suitable for the growth of our province There are more than 6,000 varieties of apples in the world. There are more than ten kinds of cultivated in our country, which are suitable for cultivation in our province with seven or eight kinds. According to the order of maturity are introduced as follows: 1, sweet yellow Quebec mature in late June, fruit small, peel yellowish green dark red streaks, juicy, sweet, impatient storage. 2, red flesh mature in late June, fruit oblong, background yellow-green, Hongxia or stripes, soft meat, juicy, sweet sour, can be stored for two weeks. There are July, mid-mature Liaovolv, volt gold, early Golden Delicious and so on. As precocious varieties are not stamina, so in addition to the city, workers
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