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<正> 写诗歌、散文、小说需要真本事,写新闻同样需要真本事。有人说,“新闻有啥难写的,把事情说清就行了”,这话说起来容易,做起来并不那么容易。人常说“事非经过不知难”,我就有亲身经历:以前我听广播、看报纸,也曾觉得写新闻容易,也想用自已手中的笔讴歌身边的新人新事,心里还想自己读了十几年书,写那么三
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Folin Ciocalteu (F-C) assay is the most widely used and convenient method to determine the total phenolics content in foods, herbs, and other plant extracts. Di