
来源 :歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ll05
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三十八年前,十万上海知识青年“打起背包走天下”,他们穿着没有领章帽徽的军装,挎着绿色挎包,风尘仆仆地奔赴天山南北。我作为新疆军区生产兵团的一员,在浩瀚的塔里木腹地,热烈地欢迎来自大上海的军垦新兵们用什么来欢迎呢?最好的代表就是这抗风耐寒扎根大漠的沙枣花。我们摇着一束束飘洒幽香的沙枣花,欢迎远方的新战友。送上的不仅是绿色的问侯和金色的希望,还有那心香中的“花语”:“……不敬你香奶茶/不敬你哈密瓜/敬一杯雪山水/盛满了知心话/来吧来吧,年轻的朋友……我们热情地欢迎你/送给你一束沙枣花……。这样,一首用维族音调谱写的青年歌曲《送给你一束沙枣花》(马辉曲)就诞生了。歌儿一经唱出,便很快在上海知青中流传开来。最令我高兴的是,一九六四年在《歌曲》上发表了这首歌,这对我是个极大的鼓舞,一个边疆作者能在全国性的《歌曲》上发表作品,它既代表作品的水平,也是一种很高的荣誉。《歌曲》发表后,此歌又被中央人民广播电台播出,接着出版了黑胶木唱片,更重要的是向全国推荐了这首在上世纪六十年代最早讴歌知青的歌。 Thirty-eight years ago, 100,000 intellectuals in Shanghai “started to bring their backpackers to the world,” wearing military uniforms that did not wear a cap badge. They left with green bag and went to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. As a member of the Xinjiang Production Corps of the Xinjiang Military Region, in the vast hinterland of Tarim, I warmly welcome the military recruit recruits from Greater Shanghai to welcome what they are. The best representative is this wind and cold hardy roots of the desert. We shook a beam of fragrance of the sand date flowers, welcomed the new comrades in the distance. Send not only the green greetings and golden hope, there is the heart of the “florid”: “... ... disrespect your sweet milk tea / respect your cantaloupe / respect a cup of snow / full of knowledge / come Come on, young friend ...... We warmly welcome you / give you a bouquet of jujube flowers .... In this way, a young song written in Uygur tone ”give you a bouquet of date palm flowers“ (Ma Hui Qu ) Was born.And once the song was sung, the song soon spread among the educated youth in Shanghai.The thing that made me most happy was that this song was released on ”Song“ in 1964, which was a pole for me A great inspiration, a frontier author can publish works in the national ”song“, which both represents the level of works, but also a high honor. ”Song" was released, the song was broadcast by the Central People’s Broadcasting Station , Followed by the publication of vinyl woodblock records. More importantly, it was recommended to the whole country that this song was the earliest song of educated youth in the 1960s.
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安徽省自1993年度参与了卫生部“加强与促进结核病控制项目”工作,目前共有19个县开展了此项工作。为推动全省结防进程。特总结前段工作如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 资料来源:
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黑龙江省音乐家协会将于2000年暑假期间继续承办全国乐器演奏(业余)考级黑龙江考区(第九届)的全部组织工作。 一、报名时间、地点 1.哈尔滨考点:哈尔滨市南岗区耀景街22号黑
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