
来源 :初中生必读 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lygzzm
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中学生的一天是什么样的呢?当然是朝气蓬勃的一天。在这一天中,我首先要做的事情便是练字。拿出墨砚,开始蘑墨。在其中感受墨的清香,让人精神抖擞,让那墨条带着墨汁缓缓转动,欣赏这平时补埋没的美。之后,拿起毛笔.让笔在墨之中饱吸一口,便龙飞凤舞起来。一个个优美的字迹跃然纸上,妇鹰飞.如龙腾,如盘根,如苍石。这时,你不得不佩服中华民族祖先留下的艺术瑰宝,看了使人心旷神怡。 What kind of day is a middle school student? Of course it is a vibrant day. In this day, the first thing I must do is to practice calligraphy. Take out ink cartridges and start mushroom ink. In which the delicate fragrance of the ink is felt, the people are full of energy. Let the ink stick slowly rotate with the ink and appreciate the beauty that was buried in peacetime. Afterwards, pick up the brush. Let the pen breathe in the ink and it will dance. One by one beautiful script leapt on the paper, the eagle flying. Such as dragons, such as packing, such as Cangshi. At this time, you have to admire the artistic treasures left behind by the ancestors of the Chinese nation and watch people feel relaxed and happy.
我们都知道一般现在时表示: 1.人或物现在的状态或性质。 We all know that the general present time means: 1. The current state or nature of a person or thing.
2002年春季高考题:My brother Tom was very selfish when he was a little boy.He did not want share things with other people.Forexample,when he bought a chocolate
请译下面两句:1.I’m British,but I’m not English.I speak English.2.Only the people of Engtand call themselves English.好多同学对此迷惑,这是因为他们对Britain的