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数学研究的主要对象是空间形式和数量关系.数与形是数学的两大支柱,它们是对立的,也是统一的.数形结合思想,就是通过数与形之间的对应和转化来解决数学问题,它包含以形助数和以数解形两个方面.利用它可使复杂问题简单化,抽象问题具体化,它兼有数的严谨与形的直观之长,是一种基本的数学思想.忽视数与形的任何一方面,都会使数学变得残缺不全.正如华罗庚先生所 Mathematical research is the main object of the relationship between space form and quantity.Digital and shape is the two pillars of mathematics, they are opposed to each other, but also unified.Fundamental combination of ideas, that is, through the correspondence between numbers and forms and to solve mathematical Problem, which includes two aspects, that is, the form of aiding numbers and the solution of numbers. It can be used to simplify complicated problems and concrete abstract problems. It is a kind of basic mathematical thought Ignorance of numbers and shapes can make math incomplete, just as Mr. Hua Luogeng
The fluorescence of terbium (III) was enhanced by about three orders of magnitude in the presence of trimellitic acid (benzene-1, 2, 4-tricarboxylic acid (TLA))
布莱德·霍夫汉姆(Brad Hougham),男中音歌唱家,声乐博士,现任美国伊萨卡大学音乐学院声乐系副教授;先后受邀担任美国国家公共电台特邀独唱家,并连续11届担任“意大利斯波雷
摘 要教师是人类灵魂的工程师,教师的一言一行对于学生来说影响非常的大。教师应该具备基本的人生观和价值观,对学生要有耐心和信心,要对学生采用宽容的态度,多多理解学生,从学生的角度出发来认识学生和教育学生,促使学生能够健康,愉快地成长。  【关键词】教师人格;学生人格;人格影响  教师的人格对于学生来说影响非常巨大,因为教师和学生相处的时间很长,教师作为学生的第二任父母,其言行直接影响着学生的行为表现
田径是我国初中体育课的主要训练项目之一。但是在现实的田径教学中,由于应试教育的理念影响了中学田径课程的深入展开。本文对初中田径教学现状与对策作了探讨。 Athletics
Orthogonal test was used to evaluate the effects of synthetic such as temperature(120~140℃),reaction time(4-6)and substrate molar ratio of methyl oleate to sucr
The title complex Mn(HL)4(NCS)2(CH3CH2OH)2 has been achieved via self- assembly by incorporating manganese(II) into pyridine-3-carbaldehyde thiosemicarbazonate
合锻新近研制出一台YH4 0— 2 0 0型 2 0 0 0kN精密校直液压机 ,经数据检测其指标达到技术协议要求 ,尤其该机的超慢速运行达 0 0 0 4 5mm/s,运行平稳 ,位置精度、位置重复