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年岁末,江苏省旅游局和盐城市人民政府组团去南非、肯尼亚考察生态旅游,为全省制定旅游发展规划和完善盐城市国家湿地生态公园规划提供借鉴,我们有幸一同前往。短短12天时间,虽然走马看花,还是让我们领略了非洲大陆的自然风光,有机会近距离和野生动物接触,感受到了人与自然的和 At the end of the year, Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Bureau and Yancheng People’s Government organized a delegation to visit South Africa and Kenya to inspect eco-tourism, providing reference for the province to formulate tourism development planning and improve the planning of Yancheng National Wetland Ecological Park. In a matter of 12 days, while taking a quick look at the flowers, let us have a taste of the natural scenery of the African continent, and have the opportunity to come into contact with wildlife at close range and feel the harmony between people and nature
The mechanism of dimethyl oxalate hydrogenation to ethylene glycol over Cu/SiO2 catalyst was investigated by in situ Fourier transform infrared(FTIR)spectroscop
层层的峰峦、葱郁的古木、啸啸的松涛、啾啾的鸟鸣,白发苍苍的五老峰,就像是岁月渲染在季节之外的一段记忆,茫茫然而又声色鲜明。千百年以来, 白鹿洞书院就像一方端庄、古朴
你所在的地方,从某种意 义上说,就是一个很棒的 普罗旺斯。 网上见到一个国内时的朋友,她说,“好久没有见你了。”我 说,“去了一趟法国,在那里住了一段时间。比较少上网了…
Based on affirming the tremendous benefits that water resources of rivers can provide in their exploitation, main environmental problems and their countermeasur
患者男性(住院号138166),58岁,已婚,退休工人,因胸痛、发热12小时伴阵发性抽搐、昏迷于1973年5月30日上午急诊入院。入院前夜患者感右胸痛,放射 Male patient (hospital number 138
石油钻井系统工程定额应与企业内部重组相适应,定额结构及内容应与企业内部管理机构相适应。 The quota for oil drilling system engineering should be adapted to the in
民以食为天。衣食住行是人类生活的必需,而吃又是重中之重。近年来随着人们生活水平的提高,下馆子已经成了司空见惯的事情;但是,反观餐饮行 People eat food for the day. B
傈僳族,有着自己独特而有趣的婚俗。在经历了神秘的刮脸,席地的婚宴,通宵的打跳之后,新娘张正秀和她的如意郎君开始了新的生活。 Lisu, has its own unique and interesting
北京水利学会创建于1956年,在纪念学会成立 50周年之际,又迎来《北京水务》创刊之时,祝愿《北京水务》期刊越办越旺。北京水利学会成立50年来,紧紧围绕北京水利建设中心工作,