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2005年10月9日,省统计局局长薛政在省农调队助理巡视员陈峰同志的陪同下赴沙沟乡视察统计林扶贫工程及道路施工情况。薛政局长首先查看了投资20万元专项资金扶持建成的绿色林带。踏着满地的泥泞,迎着秋日的暖阳,薛政局长兴致勃勃地查看了营造的青扬林、桦树、沙棘等树木的成活率。由于今年雨水多,虽然已是深秋,沁人心脾的榆叶梅、 On October 9, 2005, Xue Zheng, director of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics, accompanied by Chen Feng, assistant inspector of the provincial agricultural transfer team, visited Shaogou Township to inspect the poor forest construction and road construction. Secretary Xue first looked at the investment of 200,000 yuan of special funds to support the completion of the green belt. Inspired by muddy land and facing the warm autumn sun, Xue Zhureng enthusiastically reviewed the survival rates of trees such as Qingyanglin, birch and seabuckthorn. Due to the heavy rain this year, although it is already late autumn, refreshing Ulmus,
On February 20th,the urban tap watersupplied to Yancheng city,a 400 thousandcitizens medium city in Jiangsuprovince,was found polluted by phenolcontaining sewa
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Chifeng Fulong Thermal Power Co.,Ltd.(Chifeng Fulong,SZ:000426) announced onFebruary 4th that Chifeng Fulong NonmetalMaterial High-Tech Park Co.,Ltd.,whose90%