“九五”石油和化学工业产能飞跃 产量大增 整体素质提升

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据中国化工报报道,“九五”期间,石油和化工行业生产持续增长,经济效益不断增加。1999年,全行业总产值达5548.4亿元,比1995年增长了30%;实现利润309.3亿元,占全国国有和国有控股企业利润的30%以上。整个“九五”期间,石油和化工行业以年均8%的速度增长,高于同期国民经济的增长速度。国有企业改革脱困工作取得重大进展,3年扭亏脱困目标可望在今年如期实现。“九五”期间,石油和化工行业生产能力有了较大增长,主要产品产量大幅度增加。原油加工能力及合成树脂、合成纤维、合成橡胶、化肥、农 According to China Chemical Industry Daily, during the “95” period, the production of the petroleum and chemical industries continued to grow and their economic benefits continued to increase. In 1999, the total output value of the entire industry reached 554.84 billion yuan, an increase of 30% over 1995; the profit was 30.93 billion yuan, accounting for more than 30% of the profits of the state-owned and state-controlled enterprises in the country. Throughout the “Nine Five ” period, the oil and chemical industry to an average annual growth rate of 8%, higher than the national economy growth rate over the same period. Significant progress has been made in reforming and eliminating the state-owned enterprises. The target of turning around the deficit and 3 years of recovery is expected to be achieved this year as scheduled. During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, the production capacity of the oil and chemical industry has greatly increased, and the output of major products has increased substantially. Crude oil processing capacity and synthetic resin, synthetic fiber, synthetic rubber, fertilizer, agriculture
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海南福山凹陷为一半地堑和含油气盆地。区内的油气重点勘探目的层为下第三系流沙港组和涠洲组。结合地震、测井及岩心资料分析表明 ,流沙港组主要发育有辫状河三角洲和湖泊沉
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