6月14——16日,在天津工业职业技术学院“胜冈流 VIS”系列讲座隆重开幕。本次活动由天津工业职业技术学院主办,天津木东广告公司,《广告人》杂志协办。多位学者、专业人士、学生倾听了其课程。肚冈先生是日本著名的 VI 设计大师,西红柿银行、麒麟啤酒、台塑石油、电通等 VI 设计都是出自他的作品。近年来他致力于传授毕生所学,以“美丽的365天”开题,开始了其为期3天的讲座。主办方天津工业职业技术学院艺术学院院长郭书仁老师感慨颇多:
From June 14 to June 16, a series of lectures at “Shengang Stream VIS” was held in Tianjin Polytechnic Institute. The event organized by the Tianjin Institute of Vocational Technology, Tianjin Wood advertising company, “advertising” magazine co-organized. Many scholars, professionals, students listen to their lessons. Mr. Okuoka is a famous Japanese master of VI design, tomato bank, Kirin beer, Formosa Plastics, PowerPC and other VI designs are derived from his work. In recent years, he devoted himself to teaching his life and started his three-day lecture on “Beautiful 365 Days”. Organizers Tianjin Polytechnic Institute of Arts Dean Guo Shuren feeling a lot: