
来源 :中学课程辅导(教师通讯) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yqhbyctu
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学生的心理健康指数已经成为衡量教育教学质量的关键指标。在推行素质教育的大形势下,学生的心理健康教育已成为现代素质教育的重要组成部分。于是学生的健康教育必然要求做到与学科教学的相互结合和相互渗透,只有如此才能有助于培养学生正常的智力,愉快的情绪,健全的意志和协调的行为。而从网络和纸媒中屡屡出现的初中学生轻生自杀、轻易犯罪等恶性事件的报道,也时刻警醒我们作为思想政治老师在课堂教学实践中,要更加重视和加强 Students’ mental health index has become a key indicator to measure the quality of education and teaching. Under the general situation of implementing quality education, the education of students’ mental health has become an important part of modern quality education. Therefore, the students ’health education necessarily requires the mutual integration and mutual penetration with the subject teaching. Only in this way can students’ normal intelligence, happy emotions, sound will and cooperative behavior be cultivated. However, from the network and paper media, junior high school students frequently commit suicide and commit crimes and other vicious incidents reported, but also always remind us as an ideological and political teacher in the classroom teaching practice, we must pay more attention and strengthen
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【内容摘要】课改新编语文教材在人文性方面有所加强,但科学性、系统性明显降低,结果导致一线教师在使用语文教科书的过程中出现了诸于零散性太强、系统性太差等一系列问题;因此,如何用教材教,而不是怎样教教材仍然是一线教师长期关注、研究的重要课题。  【关键词】语文教科书 存在问题 解决办法  一、零散性太强,系统性太差  课改以来编的新教材,在人文性方面加强了,但科学性系统性比以前明显差了。突出的表现,是
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手风琴是一种轻便的键盘乐器。无论在专业团体或部队、工矿、农村、学校的文化生活中,都常常见到,应用也十分广泛。不少人喜爱手风琴这种乐器。 Accordion is a lightweigh