The South China Coast in French and Dutch Literature

来源 :中国历史学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingchali
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The article examines a number of pieces of early French and Dutch writing about the South China coast.The first is the joal of a Swiss mercenary named Ripon,who was employed by the Dutch East India Company and ventured in the East from 1617 to 1627; the second is a group of joals by Isaac Titsingh,Andreas Everard van Braam and Chrétien-Louis-Joseph de Guignes,describing their embassy to Emperor Qianlong in 1794-95; and finally there are a series reports by Dutch Protestant and French Catholic missionaries from the mid-nineteenth century onwards.Such West sources can be an important supplement to the often scant Chinese sources for certain periods.Sources recording the same event but written by different authors and in different languages can provide an informative range of perspectives and serve to complement each other.And a range of different sources in different languages may combine to produce a fairly full historical picture of a given topic.
如果中国加入世界贸易组织 ,中国的企业将会受到巨大的冲击并由此带来进一步改革的必要性 ,而这将会使下岗和再就业成为每一个企业职工都要面临的问题。对此 ,中国企业的青年
Studies of the Qing history have tended to overstate the prosperity of the Qianlong period (1736-95),while taking the ensuing Jiaqing period (1796-1820) as the
他们两家隔街相望。他出了门往左拐,她出了门往右拐,就沿着同一条道路去学校。他只大她两岁,嬉笑怒骂常在一起,竹马未必骑过,青梅的滋味倒是常在嘴边涩涩着。  教会学校的体育课有学打英式台球的,他很喜欢,她也是。只是她左手握杆的姿势有些特别,球杆通过虎口处,却偏要让食指合住,好像不放心似的。他笑,指点她,她偏不听,故意扭着脖子。临了,还是用食指合住,挑衅他一般。  他们都参加了学校的台球队,经常比赛。 