我们大队地处骆马湖畔,共六个生产队,1660亩土地,土质为黑粘土。过去土质瘠薄,易旱易涝,产量低而不稳,一般年份粮食单产只有百把斤,是全县有名的低产队。 文化大革命以来,在毛主席革命路线指引下,我们以阶级斗争为纲,坚持党的基本路线,深入开展“农业学大寨”群众运动,大搞农田基本建设和耕作制度改革。1969年全部实现了“旱改水”,生产面貌有了很大改变,粮食产量从1967年的39万斤提高到62万斤,平均单产从176斤提高到373斤。为了进一步提高粮食产量,通过调查分析,大家认识到:
Our brigade is located in Luoma Lake, a total of six production teams, 1660 acres of land, soil is black clay. Past soil infertility, drought and easy floods, low yield and instability, the average annual yield of only 100 pounds of grain, is the county’s famous low-yielding team. Since the Cultural Revolution, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, we have taken the class struggle as the key link, adhered to the party’s basic line, carried out the mass movement of “learning from agriculture in Dazhai,” and vigorously engaged in the reform of farmland capital construction and farming system. In 1969, the “drought and water change” was fully realized. The production outlook has been greatly changed. The output of grain has risen from 39 kilos in 1967 to 62 kilos and the average yield has risen from 176 to 373 kilos. In order to further improve food production, through investigation and analysis, we have realized that: