In recent years, with the ever-expanding scale of China’s urban and rural areas and the ever-increasing population in China, the demand of urban and rural residents for residential construction projects has also become larger and wider. In the meantime, with the increasing demand for residential buildings, the scale of urban construction in China is also gradually increasing. As a result, many residential housing projects have also been added. With the increasing population of urban and rural areas in China, in the development of urban and rural areas, there is an inevitability of expanding the area of residential buildings. In addition to considering the price of a residential building project, quality is also one of the criteria for people to evaluate the success of a residential project. However, in various areas, news and so on, various reports of bean curd residue project have caused people to cast a hidden danger on the current quality of the building. This article on how to strengthen the construction of residential construction quality control of common faults do a simple analysis.