抓住机遇 开拓进取 加快港口改革和发展步伐——学习贯彻十五大精神的体会

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举世瞩目的中共十五大,为把建设有中国特色社会主义事业全面推向21世纪指明了正确的政治路线,提供了可靠的组织保证.港口当前的关键是抓好中共十五大精神的学习和贯彻落实,统一思想,凝聚力量,奏响港口发展的新乐章,为全面实现中共十五大确定的各项任务作出新贡献.一、担负起搞活国有企业的历史使命,要求我们抓住机遇,加快发展江泽民总书记在报告中重申:“国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱”,“深化国有企业改革,是全党重要而艰巨的任务”.这些重要论述使国有企业的职工进一步增强了民族振兴的紧迫感、共产党人的使命感和搞好国有企业的责任感,使我们深感必须抓住机遇,深化改革,加快港口各项事业的发展步伐,在迈向新世纪的征程中,勇敢地承担起、全面地完成好历史赋予的这一重要而艰巨的任务. The 15th National Congress of the CPC, which has drawn worldwide attention, has provided a reliable guarantee for organizing the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century in an all-round way and pointed out the correct political route. The key to the current port is to study the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress And implement a new movement of implementing, unifying and consolidating forces and playing a role in the development of the port so as to make new contributions to the full realization of the tasks set by the 15th CPC National Congress 1. To assume the historic mission of invigorating the state-owned enterprises requires us to seize the opportunities General Secretary Jiang Zemin reiterated in his report: “State-owned enterprises are the pillar of our national economy.” “Deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises is an important and arduous task for the whole party.” These important expositions have made the staffs of state-owned enterprises further enhance their nationality The sense of urgency for rejuvenation, the sense of mission of the Communists and the responsibility to do a good job of state-owned enterprises make us deeply feel that we must seize the opportunity, deepen the reform and speed up the pace of development of various undertakings at the port. In the course of marching toward the new century, we bravely We must shoulder this important and arduous task of giving history a full and complete finish.
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