MIMO SAR Waveform Separation Based on Costas-LFM Signal and Co-arrays for Maritime Surveillance

来源 :Chinese Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pqx98
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In case of bright targets over a dark background, the cross-correlation noise of Multiple input and multiple output(MIMO) Synthetic aperture radar(SAR) orthogonal waveforms in the same frequency coverage will increase which can degrade the image. An Interpulse Costas hopping and intra-pulse Slope coded linearly frequency modulated(IPC-SCLFM) waveform is designed and analyzed to decrease the autocorrelation and cross-correlation noise. Besides a novel acquisition mode of “MIMO Coprime SAR”(MIMO-Cop SAR) is proposed with Coprime arrays(Co-arrays) in receive across the SAR line of flight based on digital beamforming. An improved processing by multiplying values at each pixel of two coarrays images is proposed to suppress the cross-correlation noise. MIMO-Cop SAR can effectively suppress the crosscorrelation noise, reduce the amount of data to be stored and get high signal-to-noise ratio in a simple way. The effectiveness of MIMO-Cop SAR for maritime surveillance is demonstrated by the simulation experiments. In case of bright targets over a dark background, the cross-correlation noise of Multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) orthogonal waveforms in the same frequency coverage will increase which can degrade the image. An Interpulse Costas hopping and Besides the novel acquisition mode of “MIMO Coprime SAR” (MIMO-Cop SAR) is proposed with Coprime arrays (Co-arrays) in receive across the SAR line of flight based on digital beamforming. An improved processing by multiplying values ​​at each pixel of two coarrays images is proposed to suppress the cross-correlation noise. the crosscorrelation noise, reduce the amount of data to be stored and get high signal-to-noise ratio in a simple way. The effectiveness of MIMO-Cop SAR for maritime surveillance is demonstrated by the s imulation experiments.
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