Transcript variants and expression profiles analysis of Mitf gene in minipigs

来源 :Journal of Otology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saxthon
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Object: To identify transcript variants and expression patterns of porcine Mitf.Materials and methods: A pairwise BLAST search at NCBI database was performed to deduce the structure of porcine Mitf gene. Subsequently,50 RACE and fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR were used to analyze the expression pattern of porcine Mitf in different tissues.Results: Four transcript variants of porcine Mitf, MITF-A, MITF-H, MITF-M and MITF-SUS were identified, all sharing high homology with those in humans, except Mitf-SUS.Conclusion: The sequence of porcine Mitf appear highly homologous to human MITF. However, only 4 transcript variants of porcine Mitf were identified in these minipigs, less than the 9 transcript variants in human MITF. Object: To identify transcript variants and expression patterns of porcine Mitf. Materials and methods: A pairwise BLAST search at NCBI database was performed to deduce the structure of porcine Mitf gene. 50 RACE and fluorescent quantitative RT-PCR were used to analyze the expression pattern of porcine Mitf in different tissues. Results: Four transcript variants of porcine Mitf, MITF-A, MITF-H, MITF-M and MITF-SUS were identified, all sharing high homology with those in humans, except Mitf-SUS. Conclusion: The sequence of porcine Mitf appear highly homologous to human MITF. However, only 4 transcript variants of porcine Mitf were identified in these minipigs, less than the 9 transcript variants in human MITF.
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