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1952年初,那是一个多么令人兴奋的春天。我正在粤中地委宣传部工作,上级一声号召要抽调干部参加土改,我们一群青年干部二话没说即由地委赵荣秘书长、组织部郑铮部长及宣传部陈均同志带领,直奔阳江三区(合山)。林利单元的重点是林利小乡,共有3000多人口。赵荣、郑铮、陈均同志先后当三区区委书记,在合山河湾村做了很好的扎根串联、思想发动等的工作示范。又因林屋寨解放前已组织了地下贫协,民兵工作也有基础,土改队入村即顺利找到了根子,随即发动广大的贫下中农。林利乡有30多户地主,都集中在利屋寨及番鬼仔村。利、林两姓因历史的原因不和且不通婚,但利屋寨的利衍亨(雇农,单元 It was an exciting spring in early 1952. I was working in the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee Committee of Guangdong Province. The higher authorities soon called for the cadres to be drawn into the land reform program. A group of young cadres said without any other words, led by Secretary General Zhao Rong, Organization Department Zheng Zheng and Propaganda Department Comrade Chen Jun, Yangjiang District (Heshan). Linli unit focuses on Linli Township, a total of more than 3000 population. Zhao Rong, Zheng Zheng, Comrade Chen Jun has served as secretary of the three districts, in Heshanhewan village did a good job rooted in tandem with ideas to start the work of demonstration. Due to the fact that before the liberation of Linzhai Village, the underground poor association was organized and the militia work also had a foundation. The land reform team successfully found its roots in the village and immediately launched the vast majority of poor and middle peasants. Linli Township has more than 30 landlords, are concentrated in Lee House Walled Village and Fan. Lee, Lin two surnames because of historical reasons and not divorced, but Lee House Walled Liming (hired farmers, unit
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