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索绪尔认为任意性是一切符号系统的基本原则,支配着整个语言系统是语言的本质特征。大部分的学者对语言任意性的理解是基于索绪尔符号任意性的阐述,而对相似性的理解是基于皮尔斯符号理论中关于相似符(icon)的论述。如何阐释和理解这两种观点进而对其统一思考和认识呢?如何辨证地看待他们的关系呢?要回答这个问题必须从符号学的角度去探索这些概念的真正涵义和本质。 Saussure argues that arbitrariness is the basic principle of all symbolic systems and that the entire linguistic system is the essential characteristic of language. Most scholars’ understanding of language arbitrariness is based on the definition of Saussure’s sign arbitrariness. The understanding of similarity is based on the argument of similarity in Pierce’s symbolic theory. How to interpret and understand these two views and then unify their thinking and understanding? How to treat their relationship dialectically? To answer this question we must explore from a semiotic point of view the true meaning and essence of these concepts.
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The Standing Conference of the State Council sponsored by Premier Wen Jiabao on June 11th examined and passed in principle the State Science and Technology Maj
PetroChina Company Limited (PetroChina) signed on June 19th with Qatar Petroleum International (QPI),and Shell (China) Limited,a Letter of Intent (LOI) to comm