
来源 :华南预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfghjke
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目的了解呼吸防护装备应用的影响因素,确保有效使用呼吸防护装备。方法使用TSI Porta Count Pro+8083呼吸器适合性检测仪,对已实施正确使用全面罩培训的广东省疾病预防控制中心突发急性传染病防控卫生应急队员进行检测,计算其适合因数(FF),并进行面罩适合性的判断和分析。结果共55人参加测试,研究对象平均年龄为37.6岁,以医疗卫生专业(占92.7%)、中级职称(占45.5%)、男性(85.5%)、大学学历(70.9%)为主。45名队员通过了3M6800(中号)全面罩的定量适合性检验,7名队员通过3M 6900(大号)的适合性检验,3名队员通过3M 6700(小号)的适合性检验,平均适合因数分别为7 589.8、10 828.6、15 110.0。“说话”动作的适合因数最低,平均适合因数为2 551。结论首次使用全面罩时,应进行定量适合性检验;正确使用性能良好并适合佩戴者脸型的全面罩,在经历较激烈的脸部表情和肢体动作之后,仍可为使用者提供可靠的呼吸防护。 Objectives To understand the factors that affect the use of respiratory protection equipment to ensure effective use of respiratory protection equipment. Methods TSI Porta Count Pro + 8083 respirator suitability detector was used to detect the acute infectious disease prevention and control emergency responders in Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention who have implemented the correct training using full face mask. The fitness factor (FF) , And to judge and analyze the suitability of the mask. Results A total of 55 participants participated in the test. The average age of the participants was 37.6 years old. The majority were medical and health professions (92.7%), intermediate grade (45.5%), men (85.5%) and university graduates (70.9%). Forty-five members passed the quantitative suitability test for the 3M6800 (medium) full face mask. The seven team members passed the suitability test for the 3M 6900 (Large) and the three team members passed the suitability test for the 3M 6700 (Small) The factors were 7 589.8, 10 828.6, 15 110.0 respectively. The fit factor for “Talking ” action is the lowest, with an average fit factor of 2 551. Conclusions Quantitative fit test should be performed when using full face mask for the first time. Proper use of full face mask with good performance and suitable for wearer’s face can still provide reliable respiratory protection to users after experiencing intense facial expressions and body movements .
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