Luminescence Properties of Nanometer Si with Embedded Structure

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sbtakkd521
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Blue luminescence at about 431nm is obtained from epitaxial silicon after C+ implantation,annealing in hydrogen ambience and chemical etching sequentially.With increase of chemical etching,the blue peak is enhanced at first,then decreased and substituted by a red peak at last.C=O compounds are introduced during C+ implantation and embedded in the surface of nanometer Si formed during annealing,and at last is formed nanometer silicon with embedded structure,which contributes to the blue emission.Presented is the possible mechanism of photoluminescence. Blue luminescence at about 431 nm is obtained from epitaxial silicon after C + implantation, annealing in hydrogen ambience and chemical etching sequentially. With increase of chemical etching, the blue peak is enhanced at first, then decreased and substituted by a red peak at last. C = O compounds are introduced during C + implantation and embedded in the surface of nanometer Si formed during annealing, and at last formed nanometer silicon with embedded structure, which contributes to blue emission. Presented is the possible mechanism of photoluminescence.
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