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在黑龙江大庆地区研究刈割时期(分枝期、孕蕾期)和刈割留茬高度(5cm、10cm)对紫花苜蓿种子田生育期的影响。结果表明,刈割显著地影响了苜蓿的生育进程,各处理各生育期均推后,种子无法成熟。同一时期刈割,刈割高度不同也对各生育期产生不同影响。刈割高度越低,生育期延后越多。 In Daqing area of ​​Heilongjiang province, the effects of cutting period (branching stage, pregnant bud stage) and cutting stubble height (5cm, 10cm) on the growth period of alfalfa seed field were studied. The results showed that mowing significantly affected the growth of alfalfa. After all the treatments were pushed back, the seeds could not mature. The same period of cutting, cutting height also has a different impact on each growth period. The lower the cutting height, the more delay the growth period.
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【正】 1 Titanium ore reserves:large volumesbut lower quality ore China has 965 million tons of proven tita-nittm ore reserves today,accounting for morethan 60%
兰惠泉  兰惠泉,字九畹,号惜石。河北省山海关人。现为中国书法家协会会员、河北省篆刻研究会理事、中国铁路书协会理事,秦皇岛市政协委员、山海关书协副主席。获“书法百家”“火车头职工艺术家”等荣誉称号。书、印作品发表近500余件(方)。  娴熟各种书体,尤以篆书擅长。应邀多次为党和国家领导人镌刻印章,书法作品刻入多处碑林。已出版《兰惠泉书法篆刻集》《惜石斋印稿》、长城砖刻挂历“山海关行”、《“书刻我心
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Sinopec Nanjing Chemical Industrial Co.,Ltd.(Nanjing Chemical) and Shanxi Jincheng Anthracite Mining Group (Jincheng Anthra-cite Mining) signed a cooperation a