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马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea L.)始载于《名医别录》,称其为马苋、豆瓣菜;《本草纲目》将其归为菜部,称“五方草”、“长命菜”、“九头狮子草”。马齿苋在全国各地均有分布,资源丰富,可药用也可食用。马齿苋的医疗保健功能主要是清热利湿、解毒、止血、明目等。鲜马齿苋熬水喝,可治疗急性肠炎、痢疾、腹泻等;亦可减少心血管系统疾病的发生率,有一定的抗癌作用。1 保健成分1.1 胡萝卜素 马齿苋胡萝卜素含量为2.23mg/100g。且以效价最高的β型为主体。视网膜醇含量(即维生素A的国际单位=0.6μg,β~胡萝卜素)为胡萝卜的2~2.5倍。视网膜醇 Portulaca oleracea L. (Portulaca oleracea L.) is contained in the “famous doctors do not record,” said it is amaranth, watercress; “Compendium of Materia Medica” will be classified as a vegetable department, said “five-sided grass”, “long-life vegetable” , “Nine lion grass.” Purslane distribution in all parts of the country, rich in resources, can also be medicinal edible. The purslane health care functions are mainly heat dampness, detoxification, bleeding, eyesight and so on. Fresh purslane boil water to drink, can treat acute enteritis, dysentery, diarrhea, etc .; can also reduce the incidence of cardiovascular system diseases, have a certain anti-cancer effect. 1 health care ingredients 1.1 carotene purslane carotene content of 2.23mg / 100g. And the highest price β-type as the main body. Retinal alcohol content (ie International Unit of Vitamin A = 0.6μg, β-carotene) is 2 to 2.5 times that of carrots. Retinal alcohol