
来源 :隋唐辽宋金元史论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quake
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分裂時期,長期戰亂造成大規模的人口流動、民族遷徙,隨之而來的則是版籍的變遷。沈約曾説過:“魏晉以來,遷徙百計,一郡分爲四五,一縣割成兩三,或昨屬荆、豫,今隸司、兗,朝爲零、桂之士,夕爲廬、九之民。去來紛擾,無暫止息,版籍爲之渾淆,職方所不能記。”〔1〕10世紀初,遼興起於塞外,然後南下燕、雲,與五代及北宋諸王朝交爭互奪,其間所造成的人口流動、版籍變遷,恰與南北朝時期相似。由於《遼史·地理志》倉促成書,考校不詳,往往誤以同名爲同地,以致“張冠李戴”、時空錯位。此外還有方位及層級不明、領土爭端失載等問題。以下僅就這類問題略陳己見,並附論遼的五京及諸道之制形成的歷史。 During the separatist period, long-term wars led to large-scale population movements and ethnic movements, followed by changes in the version of the books. Shen Yue once said: “Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the migration of a hundred, a county is divided into four or five, a county cut into two or three, or yesterday is Jing, Henan, this division, Yan, North Korea zero, For the House, nine of the people .To come and go, without notice, the version of the book confused, the staff can not remember. ”〔1〕 Early 10 century, Liao Hing in the plug, and then South Swallow, cloud, and the Five Dynasties and Northern Dynasties dynastic dynastic struggle each other, during which caused by population movements, changes in version of the same, just similar to the Northern and Southern Dynasties period. Due to the “Liao Shi geography” hurried book, test school is unknown, often mistaken for the same name for the same land, resulting in “Zhang Guanli Dai”, time-space dislocation. In addition, there are issues of unknown orientation and level and the failure of the territorial dispute. The following is a brief summary of such issues, with an account of the history of the formation of the system of Wujing and Zhudu in Liao.
肝肾综合征(hepatorenal syndrome,HRS)目前尚没有一种有效的治疗方法.本科近5年来对HRS加用奥曲肽治疗,发现近期疗效满意,报道如下。
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子母弹玩转“分身术”   张 维
始终坚持以经济建设为中心─—学习邓小平同志的经济思想 章至秦邓小平同志作为中国改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师,深切地体察中国国情,准确地把握社会主义的本质和现阶段的
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