东黄渤海白姑鱼(Argyrosomus argentatus)渔场空间格局的研究

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根据1971—1982年渤、黄、东海的统计资料研究近海白姑鱼数量空间格局的变化。研究结果表明:我国东黄渤海白姑鱼渔场一共有3类:即产卵场渔场,主要位于春季东海沿海水域;索饵场渔场主要位于夏季的东海北部和黄海南部;越冬场渔场有两个,北部越冬场在冬季的东黄海外海,南部越冬场主要集中在东海南部近海。自1978年后,东海白姑鱼产量明显上升,并且超过黄渤海区。通过对不同渔场白姑鱼产量对整个渔场产量贡献的分布格局分析显示,东海白姑鱼主要渔场有两个:其中东黄海渔场位于长江口附近,渔讯为5—9月;黄渤海的渔场位于黄海北部近海和渤海中央,主要渔讯在11月。在渔汛时,白姑鱼渔场中的鱼群密集,产量集中,是捕捞白姑鱼的理想渔场。1971—1982年白姑鱼鱼群的分布与近年来分布格局类似,因此论文有关白姑鱼渔场特征、渔汛时间和渔场贡献率分布格局模式等重要结论对现今白姑鱼资源保护仍然具有重要的参考价值。 Based on the statistical data of Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea from 1971 to 1982, the spatial and spatial patterns of Paurana offshore were studied. The results show that there are three types of fishing ground for white croaker in the Bohai Bay in the East Yellow Sea: the spawning ground fishery, which is mainly located in the coastal waters of the East China Sea in spring; the fishing grounds of the feeding ground are mainly located in the northern part of the East China Sea and the southern part of the Yellow Sea in summer; In the winter, the wintering ground in the north is the east sea in winter. The wintering ground in the south is mainly concentrated in the southern coast of the East China Sea. Since 1978, the output of white croaker in the East China Sea has obviously risen and surpassed that of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. Through the analysis on the distribution pattern of the output of P. argus in different fisheries, it shows that there are two main fishing grounds of P. argus in the East China Sea: the fishing ground of the East Yellow Sea is located near the mouth of the Yangtze River, fishing news is from May to September; the fishing ground of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea Located in the northern Yellow Sea and the Bohai Central Sea, the main fishing news in November. At the time of fishing season, the fish population of Pauperosa fish farm is intensive and its production is concentrated, making it an ideal fishing ground for fishing Pulsatilla. The distribution of white fish in 1971-1982 is similar to that in recent years. Therefore, the important conclusions about the characteristics of the fishing ground, the fishing time and the distribution pattern of fishery contribution are still important for the protection of white fish Reference value.
复数可以表为三角形式而使复数的乘、除等运算得以简便地进行;反过来,利用复数的性质也可以解三角问题。这里仅举几个例子。 The complex number can be expressed as a tr