Module 5 · unit 4

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  1. You may_________ it that he will turn up and offer help in time.
  A. decide on B. depend on
  C. answer for D. see to
  2. Just as he went out of the supermarket, he was stopped and_________ of stealing things.
  A. charged B. blamed C. warned D. accused
  3. On hearing a serious accident happening, the young immediately went to_________ the police.
  A. assess B. rescue C. work D. assist
  4. Don’t play computer games any longer; you must_________ what is important for your future development.
  A. develop on B. concentrate on
  C. base on D. take on
  5. It is important that many wars broke out in the Middle East. What’s your_________ of the situation there?
  A. adjustment B. assessment
  C. appointment D. assistance
  6. In my opinion, he is a(n)_________ person, that is, he says exactly what he thinks.
  A. modest B. honest
  C. outspoken D. easy-going
  7. The government is still taking measures to_________ its target of less than 3% inflation(通货膨胀).
  A. realize B. balance
  C. achieve D. acquire
  8. The project is to educate teens on the rules of safe driving and the severe_________ that can result if those rules are not followed.
  A. contribution B. outcome
  C. consequence D. punishment
  9. Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will_________ the skill to do difficult things easily.
  A. demand B. acquire
  C. accomplish D. admire
  10. It is an honest writing but it hasn’t been_________ .
  A. lightened B. cleaned
  C. washed D. polished
  11. I have been convinced that the print media are usually more_________ and more reliable than television.
  A. ridiculous B. accurate
  C. urgent D. shallow
  1. If you had taken my advice earlier, you__________________now. (dilemma)
  2.__________________having neglected his duty, the official was sentenced to five years. (accuse)
  3. When Mary was studying abroad, her parents always__________________what was happening at home. (inform)
  4. In no case__________________that a chemical factory will be built near the village. (approve)
  5. Not until we know more about the environment__________________improve the situation. (able)
  6. The scientist is known__________________this problem for ten years. (work)
  7.__________________she is very diligent, she often fails to pass the physical examinations. (despite)
  8. Fortunately, the students__________________, when the terrible earthquake took place. (happen)
  9. How I wish I had worked harder! Large quantities of time__________________by me. (waste)
  10. Since the incident, the government began__________________ school safety. (concentrate)
一、多项选择  1. National beauty and favorable environment make the scenic spot an_________ to tourists from home and abroad.  A. imagination B. observation  C. explanation D. attraction  2. Most members of
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