In the opinion of some government officials and leaders of state-owned enterprises, the function of the securities market is to help the enterprises allowed to go public market to get rid of their money. For others who understand the nature of financial market transactions and have some sort of power background, they see it as a fine that can be infringed on from the pockets of small and medium-sized investors without being punished place. As far back as the “Bao-yan incident” in October 1993, the issue of irregularities and corruption it involved caused some discussions in the industry. In many years since then, the activities of insiders and traders such as insider trading and manipulation of the market are still becoming more and more violent, and have become the norm for market activities and securities newspapers and periodicals. Manipulation of the market is a criminal offense. Whose account should I remember? There are all kinds of accounts. If the violation is punishable, then it should, of course, be the responsibility of the parties themselves. But a market, if the general violation of law, it must be considered. This environment entices people to violate laws and regulations, then the relevant authorities should have certain responsibilities.