
来源 :江苏杂草科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Intoyou
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牛毛草俗称“猪毛草”,为多年生草本植物,匍匐根纤细呈线形,茎秆细密丛生如毛毡,铺展地面,消耗土壤养分,影响水稻生长。它的特点是:发生广,繁殖快,危害重,根治难、是里下河稻区的主要恶草之一。近年来,我们对它的生长发育进行了较系统的观察,并在综合防除上做了一些探索。生长发育习性三年来,我们对牛毛草的繁殖方式、生育条件以及开花习性等方面作了一些观察,现初报如下。 Hairy grass commonly known as “hairy grass,” perennial herbs, creeping roots slender linear stems dense clusters such as felt, spreading the ground, consuming soil nutrients, affecting rice growth. It is characterized by: wide occurrence, rapid propagation, endanger heavy, radical cure, is one of the main evil grass in the Lixiahe area. In recent years, we have a more systematic observation of its growth and development, and made some exploration in the comprehensive prevention and control. In the past three years, we have made some observations on the breeding methods, breeding conditions and flowering habits of Bruguiera grass.
细胞凋亡 (apoptosis)是机体的一种正常生理机制 ,它受细胞内遗传物质和细胞外微环境的调控 ,在生理状态下参与调节体内正常细胞的更新和异常细胞的清除 ,而在病理状态下又与多系统疾
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竹斑蛾(Artona funeralis Buner)在广州年发生4—5代。第1代发生于2—6月,第2代发生于5—7月,第3代发生于7—9月,第4代发生于8—11月或次年4月,第5代发生于9月—次年4月,以
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