
来源 :艺术与投资 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cklingdian
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从1992年10月3日深圳市动产拍卖行(现深圳市拍卖行有限公司)在深圳博物馆举槌开始国内首届“中国书画”专场拍卖从起初屈指可数的寥寥几家艺术品拍卖行发展至如今规模各异的数百家拍卖公司,从中国书画的单一拍卖门类拓展到瓷器、油画雕塑、西方艺术、珠宝翡翠、古籍、家具、邮品、钱币以及玉器等古玩杂项,时间已匆匆走过了十余年。这弹指挥间的时光见证了各拍卖公司的兴盛或衰落,也见证了拍卖市场的潮起和潮落。2009年是艺术品拍卖市场具有起承转合历史意义的一年,众多记录被一一刷新,伴随60周年大庆对本民族的传统经典文化的认识回归逐渐复燃,在此时回顾历史总会有更多意义蕴含其间。 From October 3, 1992, Shenzhen Movable Auction House (currently Shenzhen Auction House Co., Ltd.) started its auction in Shenzhen Museum with the first “Chinese Painting and Calligraphy” special auction from a handful of art auction houses Hundreds of today’s auction houses have grown from a single auction of Chinese calligraphy and painting to porcelain, oil paintings, Western art, jade jewelry, ancient books, furniture, stamps, coins and jade items. After more than ten years. This time to play the command between the witness of the auction company’s prosperity or decline, but also witnessed the ups and downs of the auction market. 2009 is the year that the art auction market has historical significance. Many records have been refreshed one by one. With the 60th anniversary of the dawn, the recognition of the traditional culture of our nation has been gradually revived. At this moment, it is more meaningful to review the history society Contains the time.
中国政府网10月18日刊登的《国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》,明确中国计划用20年时间,使节能环保、新一代信息技术等七大战略性新 According to the “Dec