Transformation of the salttolerant gene of Avicennia marina into tobacco plants and cultivation of s

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Salt-tolerant gene, CSRG1, which was isolated from a kind of salt-tolerant mangroves, Avicennia marina, constructed the transgenic plasmid, pGAM189/CSRG1. CSRG1, GUS, Kin~r and Hyg~r could be transferred into tobacco genome by the ameliorated leaf discs method of agrobacterium-mediate transformation. Thirteen stable resistant lines were obtained when fifty transgenic explants were selected through 50 mg/L hygromycin and 150 mg/L kanamycin. Assessments of PCR amplification, Southern blot analysis and GUS histochemical staining showed that CSRG1 has been integrated into the genome of the eleven transgenic lines (frequency of transformation was 22%). Northern bolt analysis revealed that CSRG1 had expressed in transgenic lines. The assessments of salt-tolerant ability and photosynthetic rates indicated that the survival rate of the transgenic lines is 80%—90% and the transgenic lines could increase by 30%—40% in plant height, even when they were cultivated in MS medium containing 2% NaCl and the total sea CSRG1, which was isolated from a kind of salt-tolerant mangroves, Avicennia marina, constructed the transgenic plasmid, pGAM189 / CSRG1. CSRG1, GUS, Kin-r and Hyg-r could be transferred into the tobacco genome by the ameliorated leaf discs method of agrobacterium-mediate transformation. Thirteen stable resistant lines were obtained when fifty transgenic explants were selected through 50 mg / L hygromycin and 150 mg / L kanamycin. Assessments of PCR amplification, Southern blot analysis and GUS histochemical staining showed that CSRG1 has been integrated into the genome of the eleven transgenic lines (frequency of transformation was 22%). Northern bolt analysis revealed that CSRG1 had expressed in transgenic lines. The assessments of salt-tolerant ability and photosynthetic rates indicated that the survival rate of the transgenic lines is 80% -90% and the transgenic lines could increase by 30% -40% in plant height, even when they were cultivated in MS medium containing 2% Na Cl and the total sea
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