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精美绝伦的花草树木、造型夸张的走兽飞鸟……乍看上去,眼前这一幅幅画作似铜箔剪贴,又如金线绣成。近日,在河北省阜城县崔庙镇陈集村黄景然家中,一幅幅以玉米皮为原料制成的玉米皮贴画正在按照订单要求装裱上框。据介绍,玉米皮贴画比剪纸费时多,但价格要比剪纸高出几十倍甚至近百倍。黄景然是中国民间文艺家协会剪纸艺术委员会委员、河北民间剪纸艺术家,从事剪纸创作多年,在剪纸方面收益不错。几年前,她在外地看到麦秸秆贴画非常畅销,这让黄景然心头一亮。用麦秸秆可以制作工艺品,能不能把家乡的玉米皮也制作工艺品呢?她努力钻研这种技法,并融入了阜 Exquisite flowers and trees, animal shape and exaggeration of flying birds ... At first glance, the paintings in front of the picture like copper foil cut and paste, such as gold thread embroidered. Recently, in the home of Huang Jingran, Chenji Village, Cuimiao Town, Tancheng County, Hebei Province, a corn peel sticker made from corn husks is being framed according to the requirements of the order. According to reports, corn peels are more time-consuming than paper cutting, but the price is tens or even hundreds of times higher than that of cutting. Huang Jingran is a member of the Paper-cut Arts Committee of the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association and a Hebei folk paper-cutting artist. She has been engaged in paper-cutting for many years and has achieved good returns in paper-cutting. A few years ago, she saw in the field that the wheat straw sticker was very popular, which made Huang Jingran’s heart shine. You can use wheat straw to make handicrafts. Can you make crafts from cornskins in your hometown? She’s trying to delve into this technique and incorporate it into the craft.
A cat caught a mouse.He wanted to eatit.The mouse said to him,“Every one always washes his hands and face before he eats.Why don’t you wash yourself first?”T
罗宾刚刚开始他的大学生活。一天,系主任走进教室。向全班同学说:“早上好。”全班同学也一同向他问好。于是系主任说:“啊,你们是一年级学生。” Robin has just started his
在刚刚过去不久的川东特大洪水灾害中,淹没50多天的宣汉县五宝镇之所以没有出现大的人员伤亡,得归功于不改军人本色的五宝镇人武部 In the just past long flood disaster in