
来源 :催化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttjjgogogo
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A novel method for synthesizing magnetically recyclable nanocatalyst Fe3O4@Nico@Cu(Nico = nicotinic acid) was introduced. The structural, morphological, and magnetic properties of the nanocatalyst were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and vibrating sample magnetometry. Finally, Fe3O4@Nico@Cu was examined toward the hydrogenation of azo dyes methyl orange, methylene blue, eosin Y, and rhodamine B. The nanocatalyst showed excellent reusability properties that remained unchanged after several catalytic cycles. Therefore, the current findings show the potential of the prepared Fe3O4@Nico@Cu nanocatalyst as a candidate for application in the purification of organic aqueous pollutants for wastewater treatment. A novel method for synthesizing magnetically recyclable nanocatalyst Fe3O4 @ Nico @ Cu (Nico = nicotinic acid) was introduced. The structural, morphological, and magnetic properties of the nanocatalyst were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, , and vibrating sample magnetometry. Finally, Fe3O4 @ Nico @ Cu was examined toward the hydrogenation of azo dyes methyl orange, methylene blue, eosin Y, and rhodamine B. The nanocatalyst showed excellent reusability properties that remained unchanged after several catalytic cycles. Thus, the current findings show the potential of the prepared Fe3O4 @ Nico @ Cu nanocatalyst as a candidate for application in the purification of organic aqueous pollutants for wastewater treatment.
和谐校园的创建,需要先进的理念指引,不会自然生成;需要时间的打磨,不可能一蹴而就;更需要举措得当,持之以恒,精心培育。我校在创建和谐校园过程中,主要举 The creation of
当天气越来越热,每每见到路边有人卖西瓜的时候,我就知道,夏天如约而至了,带着滚滚热浪,扑面而来。夏天,也是让我又爱又恨的季节。  爱的是,夏天可以吃到那清爽甘甜的西瓜。爸爸总会挑选又大又甜的西瓜买回来,用凉水泡着。吃的時候,他会用刀将西瓜剖开两半,让我拿勺子挖着吃。又甜又冰的滋味融化在我的心里,可真爽啊!  外面热得像个大蒸笼,可是,有空调的家里却是那样凉爽。吹着空调,躺在沙发上看电视,一点儿也不