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  The Reverend invited me to join the 43)congregation for tea in the church basement afterward, and he made a warm and gracious speech to welcome me. I responded with a stumbling but heartfelt speech in return, promising to send copies of the photos I’d taken. After we sat down to a meal of Samoan panikeke (pancakes) and keke pua’a(pork buns), I asked him to explain the MasterCardthemed sermon. He explained that he had told the congregation that receiving God’s love was just like charging things to your credit card: It was easy to receive but took much more effort to pay back. A nice message, I thought, and didn’t consider it further at the time. But reflecting on it as I wrote this a few weeks later, his words took on added meaning. I had received, if not God’s love, then the affection of a congregation of total strangers. And I had not yet sent the photos in return.
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《男人来自火星,女人来自金星》是一本呈现男女不同的情感世界和思维方式,有助于完善夫妻关系的通俗性心理自助读物。其英文版于1992年在美国首次出版。该书一出版,即引起了巨大的社会轰动,在美国各年龄层的男男女女中产生了很大影响。自问世以来,其销量已超过1.4亿册,且被翻译成40多种语言。  作者约翰·格雷(1951— )是一位心理学博士,是人际关系和情感问题研究方面的专家。其作品还包括《伟大的奇迹:火
2012年10月11日是第一个“国际女童日”。然而就在这个节日的前两天,巴基斯坦塔利班公然对14岁的少女玛拉拉·尤萨法扎伊进行枪击。这一行为迅速引起国际社会的震惊和谴责,也引发更多人对于女童受教育权的关注。美国前第一夫人劳拉·布什特别撰文声援玛拉拉,并将其比拟成《安妮日记》的作者安妮·弗兰克,号召世人为改善女孩们的世界作出努力。    On Tuesday afternoon, Malala Yo
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Your passing was a shock, although I suppose it shouldn’t have been, but at 76 years old you were still living at home actively doing all the things you loved to do. You liked to say, “I haven’t retir