柑桔木虱(Diaphorina citri Kuwayama)与柑桔黄龙病流行关系的初步研究

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1973-1978年用从田间病树上采集的柑桔木虱成虫放饲在398株健康柑桔苗上,有32株发病。用病树上采集的柑桔木虱高龄若虫置健苗上所羽化的成虫放饲的56株,有5株发病。未接虫的110株没有发病。初步说明柑桔木虱成虫可以传病。1973-1977年在广西境内的合浦、三江等27个县(市)调查柑桔木虱分布和柑桔黄龙病流行的关系。从总的趋势看,在北部未见木虱的地区,黄龙病不发生或不流行;在南部有木虱的大多数地区,黄龙病就会流行。北部未见木虱的桔林,从柳州重病苗圃引入的苗木,或用其接穗繁殖的苗木或高接的植株,均有发病,但未见蔓延。在南部有木虱分布的地区,有的果园多次喷洒杀虫剂,较好地防除了木虱,黄龙病很少发生。南部的梧州市红旗公社1965年从病区引进苗木,一部分种在地处缓坡丘陵柑桔木虱发生多的果园,1977年调查时大部植株已挖除,余下少数均为重病株。另一部分种在山冲,1977年调查时未见木虱,园中基本无缺株,查80株仅3株发病。上述情况说明黄龙病的流行与柑桔木虱的分布密切相关。因此严格防除柑桔木虱应列为预防黄龙病的一项重要措施。 In 1973-1978, 398 healthy citrus seedlings were harvested from adults of Citrus psylla harvested from the field tree, and 32 were found. In the diseased tree collected citrus psyllid young nymphs on the Jian Miao adults fecundity of 56, 5 incidence. 110 did not take the worm did not get the disease. Preliminary description citrus psylla adult disease can be transmitted. 1973-1977 in Guangxi in Hepu, Sanjiang and other 27 counties (cities) survey citrus psyllid distribution and citrus Huanglongbing epidemic relationship. From the general trend, in the areas without psylla in the north, the yellow dragon’s disease does not occur or is not prevalent; in most areas with southern psyllids, it is prevalent. Orange groves in northern no sawtooth, seedlings introduced from Liuzhou serious nursery, or seedlings or high-yield plants that grow with their scion, have onset, but no spread. In the southern area where there is a distribution of plant lice, some orchards repeatedly spray insecticides to better control the psyllids, and Huanglongshan rarely occurs. In 1965, the red flag commune of Wuzhou City introduced seedlings from the ward, and some of them were found in orchards where Citrus psylla was located in the gentle hills and hills. Most of the plants were excavated in the survey in 1977, and the remaining few were seriously ill. The other part is planted in the mountain. In 1977, no psylla was found in the survey. There were basically no missing plants in the park, and only 80 strains were found to be diseased. The above situation shows that the prevalence of Huanglongbing is closely related to the distribution of citrus psylla. Therefore, the strict control of citrus psylla should be listed as an important measure to prevent yellow dragon’s disease.
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