水城 水患 水利

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世界八大水城之一的江苏省苏州市,亦称姑苏、吴城,具有2500多年的建城历史。公元前514年,吴国相国伍子胥“相上尝水,象天法地”建造吴城,把城址选在北近长江、南依太湖等河湖众多之处,开凿八门引进水源,八条水巷贯通全城。城内有河道82公里,桥梁305座,前街后河,水陆相邻,众多诗人盛赞不绝,如白居易的“绿浪东西南北水,红栏三百九十桥”;刘禹锡的“二八城门开道路,五千兵马引旌旗”;杜荀鹤的“君到姑苏见,人家尽枕河。古宫闲地少,水巷小桥多”等诗句,记述苏州河网交织、 Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, one of the eight watercourts in the world, also known as Gusu and Wucheng, has a history of more than 2500 years. In 514 BC, Wu Guo Xiangguo Wu Zi Xu “phase on the taste of water, like natural law,” the construction of Wucheng, the site selected in the north near the Yangtze River, South Lake Taihu and many other places, digging eight water sources, eight water Lane through the city. The city has a river 82 kilometers, 305 bridges, front street after the river, adjacent to water and land, praised many poets, such as Bai, “green waves north-south water, red bar 390 bridge”; Liu Yuxi’s “28 City Door open road, five thousand soldiers and horses lead flags ”; Du Xun He’s“ Jun to see you in Suzhou, people pillow pillow. Ancient palace idle less, water Lane small bridge ”and other verses, describes the Suzhou River intertwined,
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误区一:“降低关税将削弱对民族工业的保护,我们民族工业将遭到巨大冲击。” 我们并不是因为要“入世”才降低关税,降低关税完全是我们自身利益和发展的需要。 首先,这是缩小我国