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在 2014 年的“两会”中,李克强总理在政府工作报告中明确提出,要加快我国财税体制改革,完善税收法律法规工作,帮助企业减轻税负压力。经过多年的努力,我国税收体制改革已经取得了一定的进步,但是仍旧存在诸多的问题,影响着我国财税体制改革的前行脚步。本文阐述了当前我国财税体制改革中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了加快我国财税体制改革的有效策略。
Document clustering has been commonly accepted in the field of data analysis.Nevertheless,the challenging issues for the clustering are the massive similarity measurement operations in the von Neumann architecture which result in huge time consumption.Mem
Recently,remarkable progress of deep reinforcement learn-ing (DRL) with regard to robot skill learning has been wit-nessed [1].However,manipulation skill learning on multi-step complicated tasks with DRL still poses great challenges owing to its higher ex
Deformation measurement is crucial for forecasting landslide hazards of natural and engineered slopes.Ground-based differential interferometric radar (GB-DInRad) uses phase differential interferometric technology for surface deforma-tion measurements and
Dear editor,rnMost existing ontology matching methods utilize literal in-formation to discover alignments[1,2].However,some lit-eral information in ontologies may be opaque and some on-tologies may not have sufficient literal information.These ontologies
Optical interferometry is a highly sensitive method for detecting the miniscule resonant motion in two-dimensional(2D)nanoelectromechanical systems(NEMS).However,the technique to control the interferometry signal strength has not been fully understood.In
We propose an automatic image matting and fusing system for portrait synthesis in this study.We firstly use a face de-tection algorithm to determine if the input contains a face.Then,we use a semantic segmentation neural network to generate a trimap and f
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)fully introduces and implements a strict and objective in-ternational peer review system and performs its mission of supporting basic research,cultivating talents,conducting in-ternational cooperation