Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Polymethoxyflavones and Their Vinyl Ether Derivatives

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cole6
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Bioactive natural polymethoxyflavones 1―6 and their vinyl ether derivatives 7―15 were synthesized by bromination,aromatic nucleophilic substitution,methylation,benzyl protection,Friedel-Crafts acetylation,aldol condensation,cyclization,DDQ dehydrogenation,regioselective demethylation,debenzylation and O-prenylation or O-farnesylation with resorcinol and appropriate substituted benzaldehydes as starting materials.Among them,compounds 7―15 are new compounds.Natural products 2―4 were firstly total synthesized.The syntheses of compounds 1,5 and 6 were efficiently improved by the new synthetic routes.The structures of all synthetic compounds were confirmed by NMR,IR spectra and MS. Bioactive natural polymethoxyflavones 1-6 and their vinyl ether derivatives 7-15 were synthesized by bromination, aromatic nucleophilic substitution, methylation, benzyl protection, Friedel-Crafts acetylation, aldol condensation, cyclization, DDQ dehydrogenation, regioselective demethylation, debenzylation and O-prenylation or O-farnesylation with resorcinol and appropriate substituted benzaldehydes as starting materials. Among them, compounds 7-15 are new compounds. Natural products 2-4 were initially total synthesized. These syntheses of compounds 1,5 and 6 were efficiently improved by the new synthetic routes. The structures of all synthetic compounds were confirmed by NMR, IR spectra and MS.
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