
来源 :中等医学教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hahanikan
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We examine from first principles the implications of the 5th Randall Sundrum Brane world dimension in terms of setting initial conditions for chaotic inflationa
1.开展农村环境连片整治。大力开展农村 环境连片整治,实施乡村清洁工程、,着力解决危害人民群众身体健康的农村环境问题。加大农村饮用水水源地保护。建立和完善农村水环境监测
We ask the question if a formula for entropy, as given by with a usual value ascribed of initial entropy of the onset of inflation can allow an order of magnitu
The lowest order mass for a KK graviton, as a non-zero product of two branes interacting via a situation similar to Steinhardt’s ekpyrotic universe is obtained
Bubbly flows appear in many different industrial fields and the measurement of bubble sizes is crucial for understanding phase interactions. The ultrasound puls
A model of the electron is examined, allowing us to obtain its mass, spin and magnetic moment. The electron is represented as a sphere of classical radius (prot