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本文采用国家“八、五”科技攻关项目“国产皮下埋植避孕方法多中心研究(扩大应用)”资料,分析中国妇女使用国产皮下埋植剂后月经异常发生率及影响因素.月经异常是皮下埋植剂最主要的副反应,埋植后半年内,一半以上的妇女主诉有月经异常发生.采用单因素和 Logistic多元逐步回归对月经异常副反应进行分析.结果表明:月经异常主诉与年龄、文化程度、体重、埋植时是否哺乳、末次妊娠结局、末次避孕方法和埋植剂类型有关.年纪轻的妇女主诉有月经异常者多于年纪大的妇女;文化程度高的妇女主诉有月经问题的比例高于文化程度低的妇女;体重轻者较体重重者月经异常主诉多;哺乳期埋植的妇女“出血”主诉较不哺乳妇女少,但“稀少闭经”主诉多于不哺乳妇女;末次妊娠结局为人流的妇女“出血”主诉较多;埋植前使用口服药的妇女”出血”主诉较少,埋植前使用IUD的妇女”稀少闭经”主诉较少;Ⅰ型埋植剂使用者“稀少闭经”主诉高于Ⅱ型使用者.本研究结果提示:应在手术前根据使用者年龄、文化程度、以往避孕史和体检情况等耐心、细致、正确和全面地做好咨询服务工作.以提高皮下埋植避孕方法的可接受性. This article uses the national “eight, five” scientific and technological project “domestic subcutaneous implant contraceptive method multi-center study (expand the application)” data, analysis of Chinese women after the use of domestic subcutaneous implants, the incidence of menstrual abnormalities and the impact of factors .Menstrual abnormalities are subcutaneous The main side effects of implants, half a year after implantation, more than half of the women complained of abnormal menstruation .Using single factor and Logistic multiple stepwise regression analysis of abnormal menstrual abnormalities.The results showed that: the main complaint of abnormal menstruation and age, Educational level, weight, whether breast-feeding when planting, the outcome of the last pregnancy, the method of the last contraception and the type of implants.Mature women complained of more abnormal menstruation than older women; women with high education were the main complaint of menstrual problems Were higher than those with low educational level; those with light weight were more prone to suffer from abnormal menstruation; those with “bleeding” were less breastfeeding women than those with no breast-feeding, but those with “rare amenorrhea” were more likely to complain than non-lactating women; The women who had the last pregnancy outcome were “bleeding” complained more; women with “bleeding” before implants had less complaints of “bleeding” The main complaints of “rare amenorrhea” were fewer in pre-implantation IUD women than those in type II users in type I implants.The results of this study suggest that patients should be pre-operatively treated according to their age, educational level, Past history of contraception and physical examination, patience, meticulous, correct and comprehensive consulting services to improve the acceptability of subcutaneous implant contraceptive methods.
目的:探讨重大突发化学事故,化学恐怖事件中大批中毒患者的院前急救措施以及个人防护办法。 方法:回顾总结分析我中心在2007年参加芜湖市突发化学中毒事件医疗卫生救援演练
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