苗圩 宽带接入网将向民资开放

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虚拟运营商更大的发展空间在于创新,通过将现有业务和通信服务进行设计组合,推出新的技术、业务和商业模式。10月14日,工信部部长苗圩在接受媒体专访时指出,工信部鼓励民营资本进入电信领域,将向民间资本开放宽带接入网业务。苗圩表示,对于促进宽带网络发展,一方面要通过推动实施宽带中国专项行动等措施,持续提升我国宽带发展水平;另一方面,将通过向民间资本开放宽带接入网业务,吸引民营企业参与到我国基础电信领域的建设和运营中来,通过竞争促进企业宽带服务能力提升和资费水平的合理下降。 The bigger space for virtual operators is innovation, introducing new technology, business and business models by designing portfolios of existing business and communications services. On October 14, Miao Wei, minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out in an interview with the media that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology encourages private capital to enter the field of telecommunications and will open broadband access network business to private capital. Miao Wei said that in order to promote the development of broadband networks, on the one hand, it will continue to upgrade the level of broadband development in our country through measures such as promoting the implementation of broadband special operations in China; on the other hand, it will open up broadband access network businesses to private capital to attract private enterprises to participate To the construction and operation of the basic telecom field in our country, and to promote the enhancement of corporate broadband service capabilities and the reasonable reduction of tariff levels through competition.
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