不辱使命 打造现代公安消防铁军

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11月8日,国务委员、公安部部长孟建柱视察北京市公安消防总队,要求广大消防官兵牢记胡锦涛总书记“忠诚可靠、服务人民、竭诚奉献”三句话总要求,全面加强部队思想政治建设、实战能力建设和科技信息化建设,不断提高灭火救灾、应急救援的能力和水平,切实担负起党和人民赋予的神圣职责。我们一定要按照孟建柱部长的要求,不辱使命,不负重托,努力打造一支现代公安消防铁军。 On November 8, State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu inspected the Beijing Municipal Public Security Fire Brigade and demanded that the general officers and soldiers of fire station bear in mind the general requirements of “General Secretary Hu Jintao,” “Loyal, Trustworthy, Serve the People and Dedicate Dedication,” and comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political work of the armed forces Construction, actual combat capacity building and science and technology information construction so as to continuously improve the abilities and standards of fire fighting, disaster relief and emergency relief and earnestly shoulder the sacred duties entrusted by the party and the people. In accordance with the requirements of Minister Meng Jianzhu, we must fulfill our mission, fulfill our duties, and strive to build a modern public security fire-fighting iron army.
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