创佳绩 庆“七一” 迎盛会

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赣鄱大地,青山吐翠,绿水含情。欢歌艳阳下,我们迎来了伟大的中国共产党建党86周年。86年来,中国共产党团结和带领全国各族人民不屈不挠,前赴后继,实现了民族的独立和人民的解放,建立了中华人民共和国,吹响了建设和发展的强劲号角,创造了一个又一个人间奇迹。特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,我们党及时把工作重心转移到经济建设上来,大力推行改革开放,大力解放和发展生产力,大力提高人民生活水平,我国的综合国力显著增强,国际地位不断提高,取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就。如今的锦绣中华,花如海,歌如潮,百姓安居乐业;今天的赣鄱大地,山俊秀,水婀娜,人民幸福安康。回顾我们党86年的奋斗历程,让人豪情满怀;展望在新的起点上实现江西崛起新跨越的宏图伟业,更是催人奋进。 Jiangxi Po earth, Castle Peak Tucui, green water with love. Under the glorious sun, we ushered in the 86th anniversary of the founding of the great Chinese Communist Party. Over the past 86 years, the Chinese Communist Party has unite and led the people of all nationalities in the country to persevere and go after others. It has achieved national independence and liberation of the people, established the People’s Republic of China, sounded the strong horn of construction and development, and created one miracle after another. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee in particular, our party has shifted the focus of its work to economic construction in time, vigorously promoted the reform and opening up, vigorously liberated and developed its productive forces and vigorously raised the living standards of its people. China’s comprehensive national strength has been significantly enhanced and its international status Continuously improve and made tremendous achievements that attract worldwide attention. Splendid China nowadays, flowers such as the sea, song tide, people live and work in peace; today’s Jiangxi Po land, mountain handsome, water graceful, people happy and healthy. Looking back on our party’s struggling course of 86 years and making people full of pride, it is even more inspiring to look forward to the grand opening of a new leap forward in Jiangxi’s rise from a new starting point.
摘 要 近几年,随着我国经济社会的不断发展,工业领域、制造业领域都得到了较大发展,各行各业对于各种机械设备的需求量也在不断增加。而随着各种新型技术的大量出现与普遍应用,给机械制造带来了机遇的同时,也带来了巨大的挑战。在机械制造及自动化相关技术不断盛行的今天,其应用不仅可以改进各种生产技术,以及降低经济总投入量,而且还能够在一定程度上提升我国劳动生产率,对于提高国民生产总值发挥着积极意义。本文主要分
山西省大同市南郊区马军营乡十里店村,现有村民548户、1553口人,耕地1226亩。该村地处大同市城西,北靠北同蒲铁路,西靠大同糖厂, Datong City, Shanxi Province, the southe
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