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故事梗概:1998年长江洪水暴涨,某集团军转战湖北,担负长江荆沙林水段的抗洪任务。军长批评儿子不该在这个时候提出转业;红军团长周尚武正准备到国防大学报到;亿万富翁的独生子从军部机关下到连队。所有这些人全部开赴长江大堤,以年轻的生命严防死守。影片真实艺术地再现了惊心动魄的抗洪场景,精心塑造了一批感人至深的人物群像,沤歌了军民战胜百年不遇灾害的伟大的民族精神。 Synopsis: In 1998, when the flood in the Yangtze River soared, a group army fought in Hubei and took over the task of resisting floods in the Jing Shalin section of the Yangtze River. The commander of the army criticized his son for not moving at this time; the head of the Red Army, Zhou Shangwu, was preparing to report to the National Defense University; the only son of a billionaire from the military authority to the company. All these people all go to the Yangtze River embankment, with young life to prevent sticking. Realistic art film to reproduce the thrilling scene of flood fighting, meticulously shaped a group of touching figures, praised the army and the people overcome the great national spirit of a century without disaster.
(1 8 2 )规语sunggariula 京拉入句前sung aliula ,入句三速是 : sung aliula  sung aliula  sunng al(i)ula五头下ga发鼻音 ,即a~ 。ri—li。( 1 83)规语sengguwembi 
美《科学新闻》1979年4月第115卷17期刊载了题为《国际上对地震预报的看法》的报道,摘译如下: In the April 1979 issue of Volume 115, Issue 17, Science News of the Uni
针对沥青混凝土路面常见病害的防治及改进措施进行简要论述。 Prevention and cure of common diseases of asphalt concrete pavement and improvement measures are brief
5月份,全省国民经济继续保持良好发展态势。工业生产快速增长,市场销售趋向活跃,旅游业继续保持较快发展势头,地方一般预算收入增长,利用外资大幅度下降。工业 5月全省销售