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新兴铸管印尼项目迎来第一炉镍铁新兴铸管印尼镍铁项目从遥远的奥比岛传来喜讯:当地时间10月4日下午3点12分,开工建设历时400天的1号矿热炉成功生产出镍铁。据了解,1号矿热炉于9月20日开始电烘。新兴铸管干部职工带领施工方和印尼员工,和衷共济、群策群力,先后打通了短网系统、电极提升及压放系统、冷却系统、上料系统、除尘系统等一系列工艺通道,逐步解决了试生产过程中出现的各类问 Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Indonesia project to usher in the first furnace Xinlun Ductile Iron Pipes Indonesia Ni-Iron and Iron Project came from distant Obi Island good news: at 3:12 on the October 4 local time, started construction of 400 days of No. 1 mine Furnaces successfully produce nickel-iron. It is understood that No. 1 furnace on September 20 electric baking start. Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes cadres and workers led the construction side and the Indonesian staff, work together, work together, has opened up a short network system, electrode lifting and pressure release system, cooling system, feeding system, dust removal system and a series of process channels and gradually solve the pilot production The process of various types of questions
I was born and brought up in Shanghai.Later, to follow my husband, I moved toBeijing. From the start I was impressed bythe courteous way the residents of thefor
一提起北京,人们首先想到的是“文化呗”,可那是前人的文化。今天的北京,文化在哪里? When it comes to Beijing, people first think of “cultural chanting”, but that
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