与时俱进 创造辉煌——邢台陶行知实验学校发展纪实

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邢台陶行知实验学校筹建于1999年3月,9月1日正式开学。这一天上午九时,当陶行知实验学校的校旗伴随着庄严的国旗第一次冉冉升起时,站在开学典礼广场上的,仅有24名学生和10名教职员工。谁能想到正是当时拥有30余名师生的陶行知实验学校,两年以后却达到了在校生1500名、专兼职教师120名的办学规模,中考、高考成绩在邢台市均名列前茅,成为具有良好声誉,呈现稳健发展势头,屈指可数的好学校之一! 是什么原因使陶行知实验学校在短短的时间里得到如此迅猛的发展?原因有以下几点: 一、清晰的办学理念以党的教育方针为指导,借鉴陶行知先生的教育 Xingtai Tao Xingzhi Experimental School was established in March 1999 and officially started on September 1st. At 9 o’clock in the morning, when the school flag of Tao Xingzhi Experimental School rose with the solemn national flag for the first time, only 24 students and 10 teaching staff stood on the opening ceremony. Who could have thought that it was the Tao Xingzhi Experimental School, which had more than 30 teachers and students at that time, two years later it had reached the scale of 1,500 students and 120 full-time and part-time teachers. The results of the entrance examination and the college entrance examination were among the best in Xingtai City. With a good reputation, showing a steady development momentum, and one of the few excellent schools! What makes Tao Xingzhi Experimental School develop so rapidly in a short period of time? The reasons are as follows: 1. Clear education The concept is guided by the Party’s education policy and draws on the education of Mr. Tao Xingzhi.
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